A new beginning

I like to keep things in order to some degree. I mean, can you imagine having a drawer with pencils, brushes, paints, fabric, paper, stamps, buttons, yarn... Everything thrown in together in one large container? Yeah.

That's how I was feeling about my other blog, No Clever Craft

Instead, here's a new blog focusing on illustration and photography only. Now let's hope I can keep them both going for a long time.

Happy birthday, new blog. 


  1. Oooo, *looks around* I like! I'll be following both since I love your illustrations, photos AND crafts. :D
    Catherine Denton

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I didn't got it... you have a new one... i looked into your other blog yesterday and thought "what" is new here??? Well, sometimes i need a bit longer ;-)
    Looks super!

  4. Olá querida amiga!!!
    A net chegou!!!! oba!!! agora vou poder espiar todos os dias...
    Estava com saudades, deixo um abraço!
    Bjos Carinhosos
